Table of Contents


yellow hellos and merry fellows

I can't actually do much coding anymore cause like chinese and school and stuff is kinda driving me up a wall and into a staircase so you wont see much action there. But I think it would be cool to do like a state of the website ++ thing, like in pesky America. So I'm going to. I'm just gonna ramble about things I've done every month until i am physically incapable of doing so or, alternatively, I die. Or alternatively, I forget and someone has to remind me. Maybe I should put it in my calendar app? Who knows.

So, what's been going on? Well I had a little "human matter" slinging contest with Widjaja so I linked a pdf about crimes in West Papua. Also, I published a paper on a cool game that me and Yape and Bui made up during advo!! Very fun!!

now onto the big stuff. What is the plan for next month? For the March State of the Website(s), what will be the great showcase?!

Well, I dont know. yet

But Threonine Day sure is coming soon. maybe pictures??? of us eating.. foood? filled with proteins which have the threonine amino acid?!?!

also gotta sort out the toomwn domain thing.

maybe new big collaborative website working togethery thing coming soonish tm trademark copyright 2982 ad post nuclear war pre 2nd great peruvian mirgation into the southern urals?!?!

and now, i shall leave you with a funny picture of widjaja.